
first steps

ft winterfell


09-28-2019, 06:03 PM
he supposed being the oldest that it was his responsibility to look after all five of them, himself included. he gave an apprehensive look to the room before shaking his head. Whittaker's pale red eyes squinted against his sister's urging, but he remained where he was. "go if you want" he said softly but firmly to Orca. he wasn't going to get into trouble because of her. it was simple; she'd be alone unless someone else joined her. but he would also be there to watch and make sure nothing happened to her if she went to explore. she wouldn't so easily make him fall to her whim. he wasn't that stupid. it was their first time outside the den without their parents, and if they woke up and saw they were gone... well, it'd be den, den and more den walls.

he didn't feel like being confined to that boring place for longer than possible. movement behind them caused the boy to give a shake. Winter joined them momentarily after Orca tried to tempt him. she only offered a quiet 'good morning' which he was glad for. Whittaker gave his other sister a nod, but his eyes remained on the opposite room as if expecting a monster to peek around the corner. his take on the manner was clear; they should wait for father and mother to wake up before going anywhere else. Ice and Lumi were still curled up too; he didn't want them to miss anything either. "when will they wake up...?" he shuffled his paws against the cold ground, breaking his cool exterior to show that he too wanted to go explore the ship.