
who're you and what have you done

ft kai


09-29-2019, 11:33 AM
he was doing nothing in particular.

Whittaker wanted to take a few steps away from his den today. he was turning out to be a cautious fellow, always watching for something to happen before taking a chance. after Mother told him it was fine to roam - only below the ship though because of predators outside - the boy went ahead. he didn't know where the rest of his brood was but today was all about him. he sniffed around, trying to teach himself how to pick up a scent and following it dutifully. one day, he'd be outside and helping with the hunting parties. that was his own simple goal. so maybe he really was doing something, but he didn't consider it to be... important right now?

he knew his own limitations and the limitations that Father had given all the children. something bad had happened and the pups weren't allowed off of Winterfell's lands. he only hoped that his siblings would heed this advice. Father was alpha for a reason; he had everyone's best interests at heart. there! he thought, pouncing the floor as he found a strange smell. it wasn't like the scent of the rich pine trees that the Winterfell wolves had. it was foreign, strange and full of unusual smells he didn't know the names of. Whittaker followed after it, almost bumping into a wolf as he rounded the corner.

startled, he jumped back. his fur bristling along his shoulders, he stared into the tusked face of a large man.