
--Finally a place to, rest?



4 Years
09-29-2019, 03:25 PM

"Would you? What for?" Serpentine asked as sat and discussed her situation, her wants and desire to find others and help them. While they waited for the response, Serpentine took a moment to step into her pawprints and look at life through her eyes. Who knows what she'd experienced and what she felt, no doubt how others are feeling or have felt too. It was clear to him the moment she explained further and answered his question. How awful it must have been being stuck in the explosion and eruption of the volcano. It was no doubt in his mind that Willoughby felt the need to protect and save others from that fear, panic, and trauma experienced. Perhaps he felt it too, deep within his cold heart a thud of understanding throbbed within his chest. Empathy struck him and his head tilted while she continued her schpeal.

Safety in numbers... the male thought to himself, standing back upright and holding his head straight. The lass was right, there was safety in a group, he'd experienced it as a family unit. Five wolves strong had great hunting tactics, enough food to feed the mouths, and protection from all wolves to stand on their own. There were many positives to being in a group, a small enough band to provide for and protect together. She had the right idea, and he was likeminded. Willoughby spoke of her want to create this said band, her whimsical tone bringing light to his eyes as she stepped forward after speaking. "A band huh? It sounds like my kind of plan, I'd love to follow along with you if you'd allow me? But, there's a simple thing to be added along if I am to be invited."

Thick foliage had them covered them along with their prey, as scents whirled around them both in the dense forestry. Cedar trunks hugged the frames of the wolves while they crept, Serpentine keeping his head and shoulders low to avoid being spotted through the thicket. Once they'd crept far enough into the density of the foliage, Serpentine took a moment to lower himself to the ground and raise his head to sniff, catching the smell of deer and jackrabbit nearby. Turning quietly, he whispered to Willoughby, finishing his statement and moving on from the topic with a change of subjects. "My family, if I found them, would no doubt stay with me. Could they stay in your merry little band if I were to say, join? Besides that, hare and deer ahead of us. What do you want to do, or go for?" Serpentine left the choice to Willoughby keeping his whispers silent and mouthing most of his sentences.

[Image: SIgnatureedit.jpg]