
who're you and what have you done

ft kai



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
09-30-2019, 07:53 AM

Kai didn't know what the fuck he was doing here. His brief time in captivity had definitely changed him, though even he wasn't completely sure how yet. All he knew was that he was angrier - dwelling on the past wasn't really his forte, but he couldn't help but feel some distaste for what had happened to him and where he had ended up. Here, in Winterfell, repaying a debt for something he hadn't even asked for in the first place. Was indentured servitude any better than being a slave? He really wasn't quite so sure. Running away sounded like a good course of action - Acere had too much to deal with here to chase him halfway across Boreas, right? - but then again he had a feeling he should clear things up with Tyranis first. Where had he been hiding, anyway? Only half trying to find him, Kai sniffed hard at the cold dirt as he trudged around aimlessly, making no effort to conceal the sound of his pawsteps.

What the hell kind of place was this, anyway? Perhaps it was some kind of sieidi, a place meant for sacrifice and worship.. though truthfully he wasn't getting much of a spiritual vibe from this place. Kai huffed sharply as he rounded a bend around the stranger structure, nearly colliding with someone. A pup, and a big one for his age, it seemed, though he was considerably smaller than himself. Kai narrowed his eyes at the boy for a moment, his expression not completely unfriendly, but not overly warm, either. Another loud huff left his lips. "What do you make of this place, boy?" Kai asked abruptly after a moment, jerking his tusks toward the ship. "Think it's something left behind by the gods, or something else?" He didn't give a damn if the boy knew what he was talking about or not, and the way he spoke made that much clear.