
who're you and what have you done

ft kai


09-30-2019, 12:06 PM
the man spoke, his tone curt and a bit uncivil compared to the rest of Winterfell. Whittaker felt his eyes narrow slightly but he couldn't exactly tell someone to change their attitude. he was an accepting child, if not a bit shy around people he didn't know. and he certainly didn't know this wolf. "it's a ship" he said, sounding the word out like his parents had taught him. he tried to stare confidently at the wolf even if he didn't know exactly where the ship had come from. Father said it was left by ancient beings called humans. maybe this wolf didn't know the old stories? "people made them. humans. they're all gone now" obviously, else he would have seen them walking around. he shuffled uncomfortably against the cold floor "they made lots of things. we find them... all the time."  he would add-in, gesturing with his skull to the various knick-knacks.

Mother said the ship was important to Winterfell. not only as a border but as something to use and trade the items within. Whittaker tried not to show his unease with the stranger; for all he knew, the man was part of Winterfell's ranks. one day he'd be a ranked member, not just a pup. he'd be a great Ranger or Knight. he just knew it. "who're you?" he asked the wolf, at last, twisting back to look at him. the man had tusks like a walrus. he'd seen them from the ship sometimes, fighting over food and swimming. "I'm Whittaker" he said in his soft tone that would only deepen as he aged. he didn't brag about being the king's son though. he just stated his name, hoping the stranger would give him one back.