
who're you and what have you done

ft kai



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
09-30-2019, 05:43 PM

"Perhaps it's a ship," he responded, without missing a beat, scoffing slightly. Things weren't always exactly as they seemed - and while he'd heard of those two-legged creatures, he'd never paid much mind to those stories. The sort of stories he was familiar with, and interested in, were of more powerful creators... gods that had lived far longer than humans ever had. "Or I should say.. perhaps it was a ship once. What is it now?" Faint amusement glimmered in his gaze as he eyed the boy, wondering what he'd make of his question. He didn't mean it literally, but he had a feeling the child wouldn't quite catch on. Ah, well.

Either way, it was a strange creation, and not one he was entirely comfortable with. It certainly wasn't a place he'd ever want to claim as his own. For a moment he wondered if wolves slept within the confines of this prison, and he decided he couldn't imagine many scenarios where he'd do that - but then again, he hadn't imagined ever being a pack member either, albeit temporarily... and against his will. He should be called a servant, really, but wasn't the world member about the same thing to him? His nose wrinkled slightly at the thought.

"Name's Kai Jarvela. Acere thought that I wanted saving, so... here I am," he explained dryly. The full explanation of how he'd come here was probably not something the boy needed to hear. Maybe he could cling on to his childlike innocence for a bit longer, before hearing tales of slavers tricking wolves into traps only to sell them for the highest price. "So, Whittaker, what's your story? You been here long?" He was young - not even a season old yet, judging by his looks - so his question was a foolish one, but it elicited a dry laugh from him regardless.