
who're you and what have you done

ft kai


09-30-2019, 09:27 PM
"it's home" the boy was unphased by the man's arrogance. "maybe a house for you though" Whittaker's salmon pink eyes squinted, noting once more the foreign scent of the strange tusked wolf. his little nose wrinkled slightly. if he was here, allowed to roam around the ship without a care in the world... Father must have allowed him. but speaking of Father, the man introduced himself and claimed that the king wanted him saved. the boy raised a brow quietly but said nothing. it was not his job to question his father's motives. his job was to be a child. just a child. "or a prison." he would add after, seeing the restlessness in the man's eyes. or maybe it was just irritation.

he shook his head, not knowing how long he had technically 'existed' for. one day he woke up and he could see. everything was bright. everything was quite new to him. he had tumbled out of the den with his siblings' excited squealing. that had been a loud day. the boy's ears pinned back as he regarded the man again. "I was born here" he briefly looked behind him to where the family den was before looking back "over there" he didn't have a choice either, being here, but at least he wanted to be here. he wanted to stay with his siblings and parents. "I have lots of sisters. one brother though." Ice, Orca, Winter, Lumi... they were each special to him.

"Father runs the pack" there was a sense of pride in Whittaker's eyes now as he acknowledged Acere. "Mother is a knight" there wasn't a lot to him compared to the other children. he was new to the world and had no ambitions yet. "where... are you from, Mister Kai?"