
Jarvela "Clan" Adopts



4 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
10-01-2019, 02:56 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2019, 09:43 PM by Seadragoness.)
Name: Kallik Jarvela (brother to Arinvi)
Gender: Male
Age: 2
Season of Birth: Summer

Sturdy, thick coated and long-legged, this wolf exudes hard work from his very pores. With the majority of his pale coat tones of white and silver, he blends in well to winter climates. With the tell-tale marks of red across his body, it's easy to see that this man has Jarvela in his blood.

His pale ears are tipped with rusty red, and the markings from his eyes curve to his lips. His back has gentle streaks of tribal markings at the edges of his fluff, and his legs display thick lines on the darker tones of soot. His eyes are the deep blue of the sky at night.

Personality: Kallik is a sturdy, reliable figure, quick to lend a hand and give critical feedback, in as few words as possible. He can come out a big gruff, nudging others to think for themselves, or find a solution before he steps in, he strongly believes in independence. He can be a bit sweet on Akna (kat) and often will help her more easily then he would others. He is a strong believer in the souls of nature, and spends time in quiet reflection which balances the anger that can sometimes be quick to burn inside of him.

His short temper has gotten him into trouble on more than one occasion, which was how he and Akna had first become friends. But despite this part of him, he is often seen as a pillar of support, in a quiet, gruff sort of way. He is accustomed to long times of solitude, which perhaps accounts for his quiet nature.

RP Sample:
Plans: Wing it
[Image: IdzUBSO.png]