
Jarvela "Clan" Adopts

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
10-01-2019, 07:44 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2019, 06:11 AM by Rhyme I.)

Name: Akna Tanaraq
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Season of Birth: Autumn

Short and Thick - Caribou Coat - Brown and Gold Eyes
Akna is covered first in a base coat of soft creme, her underbelly, neck, rear paws, and tail show this color unmarred. Upon her face, the back of her neck and down her spine are all a bit darker. Her forelegs and a strip up her belly are also stained darker. Her mask holds a dark rust marking, from her cheeks to her lips. On her nose and a spot on her forehead are also rust colored. She has three stripes on each foreleg and a trail of white spots going down her back.

The Jarvela woman is far from tall, standing at 29” her stature is far from impressive. She’s not a dainty woman, but would never be mistaken for a man.

Her eyes are a soft chocolate brown, with bright golden flecks

Personality: Rugged ~ Independant ~ Flirtatious ~ Confident
Akna is a minimalist, she doesn't form attachments to items or materials. With her nomadic ways she has little use carrying unnecessary baggage along. She feels the same way about her relationships, if they are not productive she will not hesitate to let them fall to the wayside. She isn't secretive with her intentions and subtlety isn't her specialty either. Akna values her freedom and independence is not to be threatened.

The Tanaraq descendant isn't shy with her affections when she holds you in esteem and trust. As many of the Jarvela do she believes in free love and detests the idea of settling down. She's a confident she wolf and fears little especially the unknown. Akna has a large personality and can often be called boisterous. She knows when to keep her silence though, and despite wearing her emotions on her sleeve, she's good at keeping secrets.

RP Sample: Only needed if you're new to Ardent.
Plans: Follow her bff Kallik