
Curiosity Killed the Wolf

ft Deathbelle?



4 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
10-01-2019, 08:55 PM

The footing was much more treacherous than he anticipated. He tried to be careful, but even so his footing still managed to slip. He was so focused on not falling into a cavern or crevice that he didn’t hear the footsteps of another wolf approaching from up above. In fact, he didn’t even notice their presence until he took another slip and felt teeth on the nape of his neck, stretching his scruff as the wolf helped right him. Despite the helpful grab, Sandor would snarl jaws parting as head turned to offer a snap in the direction of his rescuer and assailant. Ears folded back as his scruff was released and he was safe from the cavern. A low warning rumble vibrated in his chest as he took a tentative step back with head lowered defensively.

Lilac gaze focused on the boy and his amber red focused on her, her hackles were raised…but given the situation he could hardly blame her. Ears twitched at her words, registering that he had heard her, but he didn’t immediately respond. Last he’d heard and smelled, this was a free territory…he hadn’t trespassed…had he? Her next question had his brow lifting slightly curiously. Which family did she mean? His birth family or his pack….for many they were one and the same so he could understand why she would think they were but for him, they were far from it. Sandor did not immediately answer her, for this reason, he pondered the consequences of either answer before he finally chose to keep his past to himself. He would straighten a bit, his body no longer hunched ready to flee, but his head still remained at shoulder height. “I’m searching for lost members of Lirim.” He answered smoothly and confidently.

Her stern look was not missed, it was a look his father had given him many times over, and he regarded it in the same way, allowing it to roll off of his shoulders- stern looks no longer fazed him from those that didn’t matter to him. Pinned ears came forward as she spoke again, this time stating that Ashen was taking up the territory during the disaster. Her quirked brow and silence made him wonder what she expected from him, an apology? An excuse? Defiance? Submission? The former prince took a steadying breath, the silence between them settling. “My apologies.” He would reply, offering a dip of his head in respect to the she-wolf. After all, he hadn’t meant to trespass and as far as he had been aware, they hadn’t yet marked the territory…or if they have they hadn’t done so very well. Much like Lirim, he imagined they were in a state of disarray as they searched for missing members of the pack and settled into a new- albeit temporary- home. “I mean no offense. I should have been more careful.” He replied. He offered no excuse, only an apology. Going on the knowledge he had learned from his father the hard way. There was no excuse that he could think of that was more of an explanation rather than just a way out of trouble.
