
A frozen Waste


02-04-2013, 08:56 PM
Thane had been walking for days and his paw pads were ripped and bloody. He had trekked across giant stretches of land, past mountains, rivers, and many other landmarks. He tried to keep himself moving for every step left a bloody paw print in the snow. The male was determined to keep on walking, he didn't know exactly where but he was following his paws again. Each step was one step closer to where he believed Ookami was. His aqua blue eyes closed as he remembered the horrific event. All the wolf remembered was running towards the cave and turning around to look at her. When he did...she was being swept up into the air. He remembered himself calling her name as she was taken from him.It wasn't long after until he could bring himself to move to safety. That night in the cave as he waited out the storm, lonely and frightening as he awoke to fires all around. He ran into the woods as he tried not to burn himself. Thane sighed as he kept on moving,only stopping to lick the burn wound on his leg.

When he came upon a cliff his paws tingled. The brute wasn't sure if they were tingling because Ookami was close or if they were just losing too much blood. There was no visible around the giant rock so the only way was up. There was a slanted way up onto the side of the cliff and it looked somewhat safer than the steep front prt of the cliff. Thane was no mountain goat but he brought himself to climb.With only a couple slips he was half way up. He knew he was close to his beloved but he couldn't feel his paws anymore. As soon as he was almost at the top a sharp jagged rock pierced the skin underneath his dark coat, he cried out in pain but clenched his teeth to keep himself composed. The male's ears perked up as he heard a howl; it was Ookami and he knew it. All seriousness had been lost at that moment and the only thing Thane could do is haul himself up onto the flat land on top and lay there with his aqua blue eyes closed as the wolf rested.

"Ookami..." he mustered out as he tried to stand up but gave up.