
save me from myself




4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
10-03-2019, 07:30 PM
Iroh hated to see his cousin like this, he seemed like a shell of the confident heir that had taught him so well. He was easily Iroh’s best friend, even above Sarabi. However great a teacher the mardill was to him, she was not a wolf. She did know about loss though, and informed Iroh as much as she could, not that he was any stranger to it.

Zagan and their mother seemed to have been gone forever now, and he honestly couldn’t remember the last time they’d been in the den. He sighed heavily as he looked towards the smoke to the north. Were they even still alive after the eruption? Would they know where to find them when they returned? Iroh contemplated his own immediate family’s disappearance as he walked over the mosses of the runestones. He barely noticed Pyrrhic as he went.

Iroh’s sadness was long occuring, but Pyrrhic’s loss was sudden and unexpected. However much Iroh was sure Pyrr missed his dad he couldn’t help but think that wasn’t the real reason he was so withdrawn. He obviously doubted himself, Iroh had been able to pick up on that in the meeting. Pyrrhic didn’t seem to see the god deep inside of him. He just had to be reminded.

”Pyrrhic.” Iroh greeted the older boy with a much deeper set of vocals. He had reached his full height, and was closing in on his full weight. He was a puppy no longer. Sarabi was missing from her usual place on his back as he slowly appeared before his sworn leader. ”Sarabi says it might help if you smile.” He didn’t want to take away from his cousin’s strife to mention his own attempts at combating the feeling of loss. At least there was a chance for his mother and brother to return. Malleus would never be seen again.

Where My Demons Hide