



10-04-2019, 07:43 AM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2019, 07:09 PM by Nyx.)
<div align="justify" style="padding-bottom:10px; padding-left:20px; padding-right:20px; padding-top:10px;"><div class="thead">Halloween | Promptober!</div>

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To kick off the Halloween season, in the spirit of Inktober and similar Halloween-themed challenges, we'll be giving out word prompts every <b>3 days</b> leading up to Halloween! These prompts are intended to inspire you and give you something creative to play with, so have fun with them!

The only requirements are that <b>you follow the prompt</b>, and your response to the prompt is <b>at least 200 words</b> though we recommend more! These can be replies to preexisting threads, or can be used as thread starters. Try to use them to get some interesting threads going or scenes set up! <b>Each prompt can be completed once per <u>player</u> (not character), and each completed prompt will earn you an extra 50 Gems!</b> These posts must be made some time during the 3-day period, after a prompt is posted.


<s><u>Prompt #1</u>
<b>October 4 - 6</b>:
<b>Nightmare.</b> What does your character fear most in this world? Are they actually having a physical nightmare, or are they simply imagining - or discussing - something that they see as <I>nightmarish</i> to them? </s>

<s><u>Prompt #2</u>
<b>October 7 - 9</b>:
<b>Ghoulish.</b> Many dark things have come to pass in this ash-covered land. Things seem twisted and turned under the grey dusting. Animals are having trouble coping with the unusually grim weather, and some have gone a little mad. Your character runs into such a <i>ghoulish</i> creature, completely detached from its past self. How does this turn out? Is the animal redeemable?</s>

<s><u>Prompt #3</u>
<b>October 10 - 12</b>:
<b>Pumpkin.</b> As winter sets in and the volcano's effects take hold, plant life seems to be quickly dying off... Except your character comes across a pumpkin somewhere! Is it naturally growing, or has someone placed it there? What do you decide to do with it?</s>

<s><u>Prompt #4</u>
<b>October 13 - 15</b>:
<b>Haunted.</b> Is your character having a paranormal experience? Or is something from their past coming back to haunt them? Your character must encounter some kind of <i>haunting</i>… whether they are facing something paranormal, or actually confronting something from their past.</s>

<s><u>Prompt #5</u>
<b>October 16 - 18</b>:
<b>Witchcraft.</b> There are several odd things happening around the lands. Some think it is the act of gods while others believe it to be the result of past omens gone ignored. What strange occurrence has your character seen and what do they attribute it to?</s>

<s><u>Prompt #6</u>
<b>October 19 - 21</b>:
<b>Bloodcurdling.</b> The world can be dark and terrifying. There are numerous unspeakable deeds done in the dark. Has your character encountered any of these? Whether it’s in the past or the present, these events are sure to leave their mark. </s>

<s><u>Prompt #7</u>
<b>October 24 - 26</b>:
<b>Disguise.</b> From time to time, everyone wears a disguise. Whether it’s laughing at a well-intended joke fell flat or putting on a brave face for those around you. Of course, some put on a disguise of another kind. Have your character interact with a disguise or someone who is disguised. Why is this disguise necessary and is it successful?</s>

<s><u>Prompt #8</u>
<b>October 27 - 29</b>:
<b>Enchanted.</b> Though there are dark and abhorrent things in this world, there are wondrous discoveries yet to be had. Sometimes it’s something simple like laughing with friends, other times its distinguished and profound like billions of fireflies casting into the starry sky. What <i>enchanted</i> moments has your character experienced and how does it affect them?</s>

<u>Prompt #9</u>
<b>October 30 - 31</b>:
<b>Moonlight.</b> In the ashen sky, moonlight is rare. There is, however, one night where the wind blows just right and a beautiful full moon peers down from the sky above. This break in the bleak atmosphere is sure to be an event worth remembering for your character.


<b>Prompt #:</b>
<b>Link</b>: <a href="LINK GOES HERE">Click</a>

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