
Winter's call



2 Years
10-04-2019, 08:38 PM

An ending night took place upon the far north, a night that in a slow but secure path gave space to the new day, a day that for a wolf in grey and red scales could be a new start. Arinvi, after days and nights of thinking it, finally made the choice of departing to her own destiny, to wherever she could set her paws too. She was a nomad, a nomad of blood and soul, a wolf that never used the name "home" , there was no desire for her to stay in one place and stick her affairs to one single place. She preferred to be free and go wherever she wanted, in whatever way she wanted.

And last night, the Jarvela took rest on these woods, woods painted in red. She was tired, and little she cared to sleep under the stars, stars that for her had souls, that for her they guided her. Believing in the nature's soul, was something that was inherited by her, that was imprinted on her DNA. She loved nature, she respected and protected it as any other living thing. She could do whatever it took to ensure no one was damaging a tree, a plant.

And there she slept.

At the sunrise, the female opened her eyes, ready for a new day of exploring, or bathing her eyes in what the world had stored for her. And since she was too tired last night, she didn't take a good view of the place. But well, now with restored energy she stood up and with confidence, she started to explore. As she did, her eyes moved from tree to tree, noticing most if not all were redwoods, a type of tree she had seen before.

Explore a new land(Red forest) 1/3


Stock by Castlegraphics from Deviant art