
things that go meow in the night



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
10-07-2019, 07:33 PM

What now? As far as Corvus knew, now that they'd moved, everyone was accounted for and doing well enough - all things considered. Nobody seemed particularly cheerful about the relocation, though they all seemed to be adjusting about as well as anyone could expect. Things were just different, that was all. Though Corvus supposed life was all about things changing, and learning how to adapt to those changes.. right? Something like that, he thought somewhat glumly to himself as he padded through the darkness. He was growing used to the way the ashes from the volcano still hung heavy in the sky, like a blanket covering the stars and moon, even thicker than any rain cloud - occasionally he felt a tremor, even all the way out here, that suggested their former home was still in the process of being covered in ash. Hopefully just ash, and not worse.

At least the nights here were quiet, compared to back home. The island was fertile enough, but without the ever-present roar of the rapids nearby, things seemed quiet... even with the steady sound of the ocean. It was a different kind of sound, one that somehow seemed far less threatening, though it somehow made him feel much more lonely. That aching melancholy seemed hard to shake tonight, though a sound in the near distance seemed to help shift his attention away from his angsty thoughts.

At first he thought he heard some kind of commotion, but the sound quieted quickly, followed by a word he couldn't distinguish. The voice was all too familiar to him, though, and quickly he headed in the direction he swore it had come in, sniffing hard at the wind. Something smelled sickly, and instantly he felt panicked. Was Theory okay? He'd just seen her and everything had been fine, as far as he'd known...

"Theory?" He called out warily, moving with purpose to close the distance between the two of them. As he drew closer he became aware of the presence of a feline, though it took a long moment for him to realize the sort of condition it was in. "What's.. going on?" Surely this thing was presenting no threat to Abaven - it hardly looked well enough to even hunt for itself, let alone try to hurt even one of their pups, and he cast her a wary glance, feeling his stomach tense in discomfort.