
Curiosity Killed the Wolf

ft Deathbelle?



4 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
10-08-2019, 08:22 PM

He was young, his emotions still slipping through quite easily. Yet, he was not the only one. Her perked brow told him he had said something of interest and his mouth tightened even more. Sandor didn’t bother mentioning he was training to be a healer and a fighter; if she were astute she would find the barely healed scars atop his skull and on his shoulders and flank (where the fur hadn’t grown back). Whether she guessed he was a fighter or just accident prone- that was up to her. Unfortunately for him, she was not eager to let him leave.

The boy didn’t say a word, but a backward slant of his ears would tell her he was not at all happy that she was keeping him there. Her step closer was matched with a step to the side, putting his back away from the cavern but also giving her more of a profile view rather than the narrower view of just his head and chest. Tongue rolled across his lips, nervous but that fire flickered in his eyes even more than before. A confusion of emotion as he did not want to back away but it was the wisest choice here. His ears came forward as she innocently asked for his leaders name as well as his. Sandor was silent for a long moment thinking. “Sandor.” He answered, giving his own name but not Torin’s. “It’s not my place to give their name.” He responded once more, careful. “If you meant no harm, you would let me leave your territory.” He pointed out, “or am I to assume Ashen is an enemy?” His words were bold, hinting at the defiance he felt. Perhaps the wrong choice to make given the situation but it spilled forth as his head lowered protectively, now hanging just below shoulder height.

The she-wolf did not give him a friendly vibe any more, it was better to be safe than sorry.
