
Fight words with fire




4 Years
Extra large
10-09-2019, 12:06 PM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2019, 11:24 PM by Dea.)

Dea followed silently, staying just to the side of his left hip. As they walked, she sized him up. Only a few inches taller than herself, Dea was unharried by the size difference. It was the wall of solid muscle and saber fangs she worried over, and how to stay out of the way of them. She would have to be quick, smart, and punch just as hard as Sirius did. Her bitterness over being dragged back where she truly didn't belong was still there, but as this was a spar and not a fight for her freedom, Dea stuffed the feeling back. There was a reluctance to her, but it had nothing to do with being called out to spar. It pertained to the fact that she didn't want these wolves to know the cruelty and brutality she was capable of. The demonic woman didn't want the fighters within Ashen to know the carnage she was able to inflict. Still, it would be good to stretch and work off some of her grief.

The pair made their way to an area that seemed to be cleaned up specifically for such spars, and Dea guessed that was where he trained. It put her at a disadvantage to not know the place, but her pink gaze swallowed everything they could about it. Just as they had with her opponent, her eyes scanned over every visible inch and she laid out a rough and flexible strategy. While she wasn't particularly fond of Sirius, she supposed his dedication was something to be admired. The bucktoothed male had definitely worked tirelessly to clear the debris out of the arena ring and make sure the area he used was flat. To be honest, she wasn't sure how training in only flat terrain would help the wolves of Ashen. There were all types of land, maybe she would bring this up later. Or keep it in mind for herself.

When she was ready, Dea watched Sirius, and prepared herself to move in response to anything. A cold focus came over her and she sought to square his gaze with her own, watching as he moved toward her. There was barely time to adjust before he was moving. Just in time she saw the glint of a knife as he swiped at her, Dea gave a growl as she leaped reflexively to her left. His swipe at her legs only succeeded in making her evade more effective, though she had felt the breeze from the blow. Had it not been for the knife, Sirius may have had her skin between his teeth where she would have been in trouble, instead, the hair on her neck would probably only tickle his gums as he sought purchase on her scruff.

Just as he reached for her, Dea also reached for him, angling her head to her right and aiming to snap her teeth at the right side of his muzzle with a quick bite. Simultaneously, she twisted her body in an attempt to become parallel with Sirius while her teeth sought to grasp just behind and slightly below his right ear as she moved. The aim was to shake her head as she grasped him, rising up slightly to give her a little extra power. She wanted him to bleed first. Dea was eager to see how he would handle her counterattacks and made sure to keep her eyes on him. If he was willing to spar with her while hiding knives he could be hiding anything.

Dea Andromeda Asmodeus vs Sirius for Spar
Round one of three?
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Offensive Accessory: none
Defensive Accessory: none
Companion 1: none
Companion 2: none
Mutation: none
Disability: none
Fight Skill Level: Beginner
Specialty: None
OOC note: Lemme know if there is a problem with anything!
- - "Talking!" Walking. 'Thought!' - -
Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
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