
taking stock




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
10-13-2019, 05:22 PM

If they moved anywhere at all more permanently, Corvus's gut instinct was that perhaps moving north might be a good option. But there was that pesky volcano in the way - Corvus glanced warily toward it, remembering that whichever direction they went, it stood in the way. Surely, they could travel away from the base, but that added a large amount of travel time in whatever direction they decided to go, if they left home at all. Even the journey to the island, with whatever supplies they had and with trying to make sure the pups were accounted for, sounded like a difficult feat.... let alone relocating somewhere further away. But that was a problem for a different day, he supposed.

"Hopefully," he replied somberly to Theory's words, forcing a faint smile. Being optimistic had never been his strength, but he could put on a hopeful demeanor for those around him, even if deep down he felt far less certain of things. Corvus nodded at her instructions, deciding then that he had no issue with being given orders by Theory. Sure, she was young, and had far less experience than a much older wolf... but that didn't really matter. If Shaye had decided she was Abaven's future, that meant something, right? Somehow she seemed wise behind her years, even behind her obvious nervousness, which was something he couldn't blame her for at all.

They would persevere, however hard it might be. Because that was what Abaven had always done. All the stories his parents had told him had echoed that same sentiment - that Abaven, and the whole of the Destruction family, were unshakable in the face of whatever the world threw at them. The compliment that Theory threw at him, however offhanded it might be, caught him off guard as he found himself caught in his thoughts, rendering him temporarily speechless. "Well - it helps that you're a good learner," he offered lightly, chuckling softly. Really though, Theory seemed quite perceptive and insightful, which helped things quite a bit. It was a shame that their lessons were being pushed aside in the face of disaster, but he hoped they might find a way to continue training even as they settled down on the island and things hopefully normalized. "Sounds good," he acknowledge with a nod, hurrying to gather as much of the plants as he could before the two of them headed back toward where the pack had gathered.

-exit Corvus-