
If These Scars Could Speak




2 Years
10-14-2019, 07:55 PM
The peace that once flooded her was shortly postponed as the sound of footsteps approaching caught her off guard. She had assumed that she was the only one residing on the shore, albeit a small distance away from it. Her one good eye couldn't make out the stranger when they spoke to her, not noticing any distinguishable features due to the dark cloud of smoke and ash that hung above their heads. The greeting was a simple one, and though Locust was trying to better herself; the pain that went throughout her leg said otherwise when it came to the dark she-wolf's mood and behavior as her body tensed. "Hi..." She growled, more so due to her injury if anything else. The stranger seemed nice, but one could never be too careful around someone that you had never run into before. By the various scents that she could catch from the brute, he appeared to be a pack wolf. She did have a small pack for a period, but nothing to extraordinary to point out about it.

Locust had to admit that she missed her teacher...the woman who helped her try to get back into her formal glory. However, due to her facial scarring and her now charred leg, there was no telling if anyone would even want to look at something as hideous as she. Before her injuries, the she-wolf thought herself as beautiful and radiant. Now, here she was lying in the sand with no family, friends, anything really. Perhaps some conversation would be nice if the male wasn't scared away. After all, depression was something that she was starting to get used to having around her; almost like the cloud of smoke that hung around her and the male right now. The heaviness that came off both felt oh so similar it was hard to tell the two apart right now.

The woman had no choice but to turn her head towards him to see him. From the features she could make out, he seemed rather charming. But, again, she'd have to keep an eye on him and any other stranger she came across. "Can I with something..?" Her voice chimed out, wincing when she tried to shift her form, thus making her leg hurt even more from the added pressure and unwanted movement.