
hold my breath until i die

for Song

Song ii


6 Years
Extra large

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
10-15-2019, 02:36 PM
Her soft words brought his icy blue gaze back towards Kirsi in pleasant surprise. His features softened as his chest swelled a bit. ”Your concern warms my heart,” he admitted with equal hesitation. ”But you shouldn’t worry yourself about me.” He didn’t want to cause her undue stress on his behalf. Knowing that she’d thought about him during their time apart nearly flushed his pale cheeks.

Only after a moment would Kirsi decide she was no longer satisfied with sitting in the ash tainted snow, they needed to find somewhere safe and the sooner they did the better off they would be. Song didn't hesitate to lift himself from the ground to pace slowly behind her, his gaze roving the landscape for any threat that might linger behind them. Time would need to be spent climbing up the gorge behind them, and he saw no foe give away their position. Song felt relatively comfortable they were alone in their search. He couldn’t relax yet, not until they were in a better position.

Her next words distracted him more fully, and as his attention was brought completely back to Kirsi. He didn’t miss her coy smile or the way she paused slightly to catch his reaction. He tried to downplay the way she caused his heart to flutter and breath to catch. She was a gorgeous woman, a fact that didn’t escape him for a moment spent with her. He was sure that he would have adored her had she not held her inherit beauty, her mind was sharp and he knew her talents were inumerable.

His heart beat fast, ”No matter the activity I always enjoy your presence, Kirsi.” Song offered back with an equally soft voice, he felt himself hesitate to become too over eager. He knew he cared deeply for the sky born woman, that much was clear to him after their separation. The Destruction man couldn’t begin to fathom how Ignatius had been able to leave her. ”It will be nice to finally hold you.” The next statement was made with caution as he confessed his long held desire. He aimed to catch her stormy blue gaze in his own to gauge her reaction.