
The Weight Of Us

Philly/Peg Bbies Here



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
10-17-2019, 03:05 AM
She had never noticed his arrival.

Didn’t notice him mourning those who had been still at birth. Her attention had been given to the two at her side. Yet, as she watched them, Philomena felt her heart clench in her chest. The boy that had initially survived wasn’t breathing right. Philly shook… she knew it was too late. His breathing was far too shallow… had been since he took his first breath.

He wasn’t going to make it either.

She was being punished. She had to be. Phenomena let out a low whimper as she watched him.

Maybe she had never meant to be a mother… A selfish request on her part to the man who had captured her heart. He… he didn't even know she was here. That his children were coming to the world just to leave it.

It would be after her son's breathing stopped and tears thoroughly wetted her cheeks that she heard him.

A fellow Olympian… she didn't know his name but she had seen him with Pegasus and heard his voice in passing. More than that… Well… she was in the dark.

"...I…" Her voice cracked.

Yeah, she needed all the help she could get. She was broken and had already lost the majority of the litter… if she lost the last child she was sure it would break whatever was left.

With a small squeak her daughter began to wiggle away from her mother. Bold, fearless, and yet helpless she made those shakey movements across the floor of the den until she found another form;; Cel's paw. With a squeak the seemingly all white ball of fluff curled up on his toes and came to rest.

"S-she's the only survivor…" Her words dripped with sadness as Philly moved her son away from her side.

"I don't even know if he realized…" Her words were quiet as she lowered her gaze. As much as she wanted to believe Pegasus would have taken note of her body's changes she wasn't sure if he had paid it any mind. If he even knew that he had children he could have, and did, lose.

“I could definitely use a paw… if you’d be willing… I…” She let out a heavy sigh. “Would… would you be willing to watch her while I took care of them?” It was a lot to ask but she couldn’t leave the other pup for long… especially without warmth. Not to mention she hardly wanted to ask him to tend to the task of laying the other three to rest.
  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!