
If These Scars Could Speak




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
10-17-2019, 07:11 AM

Corvus had known from a relatively young age that the world could be a dark place. He'd been plagued with angsty thoughts, on and off, for most of his life... whether it was from the early disappearance of his sister Rhea, or the later departure of his parents, he knew life wasn't all about fun and games. Seeing this woman only reminded him of that, more strongly than before. Life could be hard, extremely hard, and he was lucky for the kind of support system he had behind him, even if he sometimes felt he took it for granted without meaning to.

He was lucky. And for a moment he was stunned by that realization, and by the way the stranger responded sharply to his comment. He very nearly winced at her biting tone, but it wouldn't deter him. At least not yet. She'd clearly been dealt a shitty hand in life, and he couldn't fault her for being negative. Sometimes he too struggled with keeping his own dark thoughts at bay, despite the comparatively good life he'd be given. Instead of replying right off, he let her words settle in, moving just a few steps closer - still maintaining a safe, comfortable distance before lowering himself, as if lying down might somehow prove he meant no threat to her. Truthfully, resting after his swim didn't sound like such a bad idea, either.

"You're right," he replied finally, letting out a sigh. He'd never been gifted with words, not like some of his family, and he often struggled to say things the right way. In this occasion, he had a feeling being blunt might not be such a bad thing. "This - all of this -" He gestured vaguely toward the volcano, though he knew she'd know what he was talking about.  "It's fucking awful. It's displaced my family, it's hurt creatures who did't deserve it..." Was she innocent? He couldn't know for sure, but begardless of who she was, or what she had or hadn't done in life, he had a hard time imagining anyone deserving that kind of punishment. But mother nature was a merciless, opportunistic beast, and seemingly had no care for who it trapped in its clutches. Clearly.

He nodded at her words, pleased when she introduced herself. "I'm Corvus Destruction. Nice to meet you, Locust," he dipped his head in a slow nod, from his position on the ground. If the company helped distract her from her pain, he would gladly sit with her for as long as he could. He wasn't a saint by any means, but how could he pass up the opportunity to help someone who truly needed it? Maybe someone else in Abaven might offer her actual assistance when it came to her wounds, but surely she wasn't strong enough to swim - and he couldn't imagine how the salt water would feel on her burns. He could try calling for someone, but... hopefully this was a good start.  "I do have a pack, but.. most of them would encourage me to help someone in need. Even if that's just by stopping for a chat." Caring too much was a trait that many of his family had, and though he often struggled with his own personality quirks, apparently compassion hadn't passed him by.. and he knew that nobody back home would be upset for him staying here a bit longer.