
Falling Petals


07-26-2013, 09:01 PM
Kaveh Kyra

On the outside his dear sister looked fine, but by the way she hesitated and took her gaze away from his he could tell something was wrong. It didn't take a brother's intuition to know that much. But instead of telling him what was going on, she told him only the good things that had happened to her. The news of her new adoptive father, Demonio, momentarily distracted the brute. An adoptive father?! He blinked at her, taken aback by the idea. He supposed he was grateful that someone had been looking out for her while they were separated, but he was naturally suspicious of anyone around his family till he met them and decided they were safe himself. He nodded and replied, "I'll definitely have to meet him," with a smile. He hadn't forgotten about her hidden problems, but he didn't press his sister on the subject just yet. He was seeing her for the first time in months, he didn't want to stress and worry her within minutes of finding her.

His tail wagged happily as well, thinking back on anything she might have missed in his life since they were separated. "My life has been pretty uneventful, really. I've been searching for you mostly... I met some very nice wolves along the way though, made some new friends. I've seen more of Alacritis than I ever thought I would in my searching though. We'll have to go together so I can show you some of them. You'd love it." He looked her over again out of the pure need to make sure she was really there. He felt his throat tighten with tears, trying his best to keep from crying in front of her, but tears of happiness still pooled in his pale green eyes. "I'm just so happy that I've finally found you," he told her softly as he leaned forward to nuzzle her neck affectionately, his tail wagging wildly behind him.
