
The Weight Of Us

Philly/Peg Bbies Here



4 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Christmas 2019
10-17-2019, 10:17 PM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2019, 12:19 PM by Célestin.)


The woman spoke, but then her voice faltered in her throat and though by all rights he should have resented her he also felt his heart breaking for her. He sent a silent prayer to whatever gods might be listening that they return Pegasus to them, that he had simply gotten lost somewhere and would return soon, grinning, if not for himself than for this woman whom he'd left to bear her grief all alone.

There was a high pitched squeak and as Célestin peered into the dimness he failed to notice the small bundle slowly crawling towards him. Instead, he shuffled slightly, unsure what to do... should he wait a bit longer to see if she'd give him a straight answer? Should he leave? His pondering was interrupted by a small warm form bumping into his paws. Dual toned gaze would turn to stare ponderously down at the pup as she pressed into his paws. Instinctually he reached down to nose the tiny bundle, gently sheltering her from the autumnal chill of the outside world.

The woman's voice reached him and he closed his eyes for a moment, silently willing the white child at his paws to survive. For her to thrive. He simply listened to her words, knowing instinctively that the he the woman spoke of was Pegasus and Célestin couldn't help but wonder if this was partially his fault, had he been a distraction for Pegasus, a way to escape the family he'd made but had clearly not wanted... at least not in the way it happened. He felt his guilt flare.

As her question reached him Célestin slowly nodded, then realizing she might not be able to see him spoke in a shaky voice. "Of course." He looked down at the tiny scrap. "May I come in?" He'd wait for her response, then pick up the tiny girl as gingerly as he could. Maneuvering around the woman so that he could curl up on the floor of the den, gently ushering the pup towards his warm side and tightening his curl to shield her.

"Let me know if you need anything else..." Célestin said softly, feeling his resolve already wavering. He listened for the woman's movements, placing his head on the ground, watching the child carefully. This was it, this girl was the most precious momento of his lover left. He closed his eyes and allowed the pain to wash over him again, silent tears once more rising to his eyes and he closed them, curling tighter, willing himself to hold onto the precious reminder of Pegasus as tightly as he could.

Art by Blue-Onyx
[Image: dxada_by_sterling_raven_by_lolaf-dccz5i2.png]
Célestin speaks both French and English fluently, hover for translations.
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3