
Some say the world will end in fire


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-20-2019, 10:52 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2019, 10:52 PM by Shaye I.)

She had been feeling the shadow over her for a long time now. Perhaps it was depression, and she mixed up reality and the mind. Perhaps not. Either way, she felt it with her still. The impending sense of doom that had been crushing her for the past few months. She had passed over the reigns to Theory, and given her the pack in truth. The young woman had risen to the challenge, and already spoke with authority. The last time they had spoken, she had talked of moving Abaven, of taking it away from the lands of its birth.

Perhaps that was why she had made the journey from the Island, despite the ash and smoke and heat from the lava she could feel one land over. She wanted to see her home, the place she had been born, and had always loved.  She looked to the lands where her Auntie had taught her how to catch salamanders, and she in turn had taught her daughters. Daughters, that now where missing, perhaps even gone.

She regretted that they had known the same peaceful childhood that she had, that they had not been raised in a quiet world, and that their leader and mother had not made so many mistakes.

She stood upon the cliffs, and gave herself a vantage point to look down at Abaven territory. The ash fell still, and she questioned if this had become her legacy, of bitter rain and death. Would this be how she was remembered, if she would be remembered at all? The leader who lost her mind when the ash-rains came, and the fire and destruction took from them their homes. She raised her head, feeling the soot settle upon her brow, and closed her eyes. She waited for fate to show its final hand.

It took her by surprise when she heard the titan foot-falls of Odysseus, and her eyes flew open as she turned to look at the large, imposing warrior-healer. “Ody? I didn’t expect to see you here” she said, and it was all she had a chance to say. The world began to tremble then. It shook and tossed its back, and the Once-Alpha lost her footing. She slid part way down the cliff, Ody falling with her, and still the world rolled around them. It shook apart a chasm at her feet, and she had no chance to circumvent it. It swallowed them both whole, and her world went black.

She came to in the darkness, with a mouth that tasted of earth and ash. She couldn’t see, and blinked multiple times, waiting for her eyes to adjust. When they did, she would see that she was in some sort of small cavern, and the roof she had fallen through was whole. The walls seamless and absolute. “Ody?” at first she whispered it, and then she yelled. “Odysseus!?” she cried, voice echoing in the empty chamber. Had she accidently brought the knight in to share her long-awaited doom?

"Talk" "You" Think


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