
like returning a lost calf to the herd




4 Years

Trick 2019
10-25-2019, 07:26 AM
Akna was wise beyond her short not even two years old, but the girl lived without a pack for help. She knew the ways of the earth, and lived by nature’s words. The Jarvela way. He started with the volcano, and how its eruption had disturbed the whole of Boreas, Auster, and beyond. She had not been here for the first part of the eruption, but the ash and clouds in the sky did not escape her notice. She wondered more than a few hours, why the reindeer found their way in this direction.

She settled down and watched him neutrally as Kai explained his story of treachery and being captured and held against his will. Akna couldn’t imagine being a captive, even less keeping or selling captives. The thought was very wrong. She made a note to watch out for sneaky women and their traps.

He was sold as livestock, though she knew the reindeer were like demi gods themselves and were often traded and used as resources, but it was obvious Kai’s experience had been nowhere near the kind and gentle way she moved the herd around. Kai’s desperation was even more obvious as he spoke of love and love lost. The leader wished to be paid back for his generous giving, and Akna couldn’t bring herself to believe it was a fair deal on Kai’s part. He was the one drawing up the short end of the stick, it was not his debt, but the one who promised.

”This debt seems terribly vague.” She told him at first, the price paid was massive, how could one wolf be held responsible for all of that? ”Were you given a time frame, a number of animals to be produced, or battles won?” She asked curiously but also with danger in her voice. Already she couldn’t hold much respect for Kai’s current captor. ”With the one you love gone, do you even owe anything anymore?” She asked with a quirked brow. She didn’t make any comment on his potential foolishness.
[Image: akna-floof.png]