



Advanced Fighter (100)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Trick 2019
10-26-2019, 10:49 PM

She had been gone a little too long, though perhaps not as long as Hannibal would be, wherever the hell he was. She had gone in search of him the moment she felt something was wrong. The spirits screamed in her head, wailing and caterwauling as they kept going on about something was wrong but they wouldn't tell her exactly what until it happened. The volcano had erupted and she had been a bit too close for comfort. After she healed her burned paws, she had resumed her search for her brother but in the end, she had been unsuccessful in finding him. Frustrated and angry that he had disappeared in the first place, she vaguely hoped the fool hadn't gotten caught up in the destruction...though perhaps if this was the second time her brother had flaked during his time in these lands, perhaps he wasn't the one to follow, either.

Although she wasn't entirely fond of the way Deathbelle was ruling, she at least had stuck around. Perhaps one day...someone would seize the throne and rule it the way it was meant to be. For now, she begun her arduous journey back home only to find that they were no longer there. Muttering curses under her breath, she had managed to track down their whereabouts with the help of the bird she had befriended while she was recovering from the volcano's aftermath. The owl had informed her about the group of wolves taking shelter in the canyon. Changing her course, she was nearing the location when she heard her sisters call for Ashen together and that's when she knew she had made it. With a suppressed sigh, she moved quietly until she had made it to the small gathering, though she noticed how much smaller the pack seemed to be compared to when she had last seen them. It was an omen, she was sure. Both the eruption and the lack of members present...things would not go well for Ashen. She could only hope to be proven wrong, however. Else the pack would return to the ashes and the Klein name would eventually fade from memory.

The dual toned babe took a seat near the back of the small gathering, silent and thoughtful. She had no intentions of speaking her thoughts to the pack but felt their were matters that ought to be discussed in private. Perhaps she would seek out her sister after this meeting...though for now, she settled on her belly to relieve her paws for a few moments and waited.

"Can you see me?"