
Some say the world will end in fire




7 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
10-27-2019, 04:57 PM
"Ody?" In the dark he roused groggily and stared with bleary, uncomprehending eyes into the still falling dust. He had no idea where he was. Everything was dark and shapeless. He squinted and tried to make sense of the last memory he had before waking up. There had been a feeling of weightlessness as he'd stared up at Shaye. He remembered a glimpse of her falling and another glimpse of dark walls suddenly looming over him as he fell. Did he remember the shadows of falling rocks? Was that what that was at the end? He couldn't remember with certainty.

"Odysseus!?" Shaye. She was somewhere in here too. He needed to find her. Instinctively he tried to get his paws and was surprised to find he couldn't. The titan looked down in the hopes of understanding  - not that he could really see anything - but the darkness around him gave him no answers. He coughed. "I'm here, Shaye." Where exactly 'here' was he couldn't say.

He got a clue when a drop of something, blood maybe, rolled down the length of his muzzle to hang suspended on the end of his nose. It was then the pressure in his head made sense. He was hanging upside down, wasn't he? Odysseus coughed again and closed his eyes. Though a feeling of claustrophobia nagged at the corners of his mind he fought to ignore it. It would do him no good. He needed to think.

After clearing his throat and taking a deep breath he called hoarsely, "Can you see a way out?"
Odysseus has a male rhesus macaque companion named Olafur. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Odysseus.