
Falling Petals

Elysia I


07-26-2013, 11:51 PM
Elysia hoped he wasn?t mad about Demonio, she'd really thought they would get along great. She could tell he was a bit shocked to hear about him. "I'll definitely have to meet him," She was now a bit nervous to have the two meet. what if Kaveh didn?t like him? Would he stop her from having Demonio as her father? She hoped not, she didn?t want to have to fight her brother over the matter of it. She sat down to listen to him, eyes that matched his fixed onto him, head tilted to the left. "My life has been pretty uneventful, really. I've been searching for you mostly... I met some very nice wolves along the way though, made some new friends. I've seen more of Alacritis than I ever thought I would in my searching though. We'll have to go together so I can show you some of them. You'd love it." She blinked a few times. She wasn?t sure if she wanted to meet anyone for a good while now. Life had finally showed her that not everyone was good. That things did lurk in the shadows, waiting to take you down. But now was not the time to think of those things. "That'd be great."She replied happily. Eyes widened as she looked at his face, muzzle parted in surprise. Was her brother about to cry? "I'm just so happy that I've finally found you," He pulled closer to nuzzle her neck and she whined softly. Reaching up, still being a good amount shorter, she had to stretch just to lick him under the eye softly. "Don?t cry...I wont leave you again." She said, tail wagging steadily behind her.

"We should go do something! Maybe go look for Demonio? Of Hunt..or something?!" She said cheerfully. The sooner she was back to moving again the better. A butterfly fly towards her and she froze. She just loved these little bugs. It landed on her muzzle, flapping it's blue wings slowly. Sometimes she wished she could fly away like one of them. Such a frail and beautiful creature. She didn?t dare to move, not wanting to bug to fly away or hurt it in any way. She knew she must look funny, all crossed eyed staring at the butterfly. But hey, Kaveh should have seen it coming before it even landed on her. It was just the way she was, able to take time to pause and enjoy the beauty the world had to offer. She thought of Knight, hadn?t a butterfly appeared then too? Maybe butterflies were a good sign then for her.