Poll: Vote for your favorite costume!
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Bourbon by KatG6
0 0%
Venom by KatG6
7 87.50%
Lil Ardy by Iko
1 12.50%
Total 8 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

Halloween | Spooky Contest Voting & Results



10-29-2019, 07:47 PM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2019, 07:49 PM by Ardent.)
<div align="justify" style="padding-bottom:10px; padding-left:20px; padding-right:20px; padding-top:10px;"><div class="thead">Spooky Contests - Voting & Results</div>

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<b><u>Costume Contest Entries</b></u>

1. <a href="">Bourbon</a> by KatG6
2. <a href="">Venom</a> by KatG6
3. <a href="">Lil Ardy</a> by Iko

<b><u>Scary Story Contest Entries</b></u>

Unfortunately we only had one entry this time around, so the top prize (popular vote) automatically goes to Dragon! Thank you for participating! Here's her story for everyone to enjoy:

<b>The Babe With No Face</b> by Dragon

<font color=red>Trigger warnings:
In Decoration - References to suicide, potential harm to a child.
General - Gore/Blood/Violence.</font>

<div style="height:300px; overflow: auto;">
There once was a boy named Jake who had just moved in to an old Victorian style house nestled in a quiet neighborhood within the town of Riverview. Jake and his family loved this house, but...not so much the neighbors. They were all a little creepy and strangely quiet, rarely saying a word to the new family. However, Jake and his family often saw the neighbors conversing over neat picket fences, but as soon as Jake and his family drove by, they would stop talking and simply stare at them. Sullen eyes and gray, lifeless faces always staring back. They always found it strange and despite their efforts to get to know them, they decided it was best to just leave them be.

Strange neighbors aside, the neighborhood seemed...almost perfect. The town, however, seemed just as quiet as their neighbors. Everyone seemed nearly devoid of life with the exception of one perky woman who we'll call Grace. Grace was perhaps the only talkative person Jake had met since moving into town, and she explained that Riverview had always been a sleepy little town with little to no excitement save for certain holidays. Halloween of course, was one of those holidays.

He knew Halloween was right around the corner. Three days, to be exact. And at this point, the family had lived in the town for about a month. And one night, while Jake was walking home from a late night at school, that's when strange things started happening. The town was decorated with all sorts of Halloween decorations, though very little of them were any sort of lighthearted decorations that he was used to seeing in the last town he lived in. The residents of Riverview seemed to prefer a more macabre scene. One such decoration he saw was a full sized mannequin with no face, hanging from a tree with a noose around her neck and a faceless baby in her arms. The hair was black as night, long, and greasy looking. A tattered white gown covered its body, and what he assumed was fake blood dripped from the hanging "woman" and even dripped down the faceless baby's head. "What the fuck?" He muttered as he walked faster, feeling a chill go up his spine. He swore he felt like something was watching him, and when he looked back, he could see the mannequins body was now facing his direction - completely opposite from where it had been facing before. Although there was no wind tonight, he didn't think much of it.

When he got home, everyone was already asleep so he headed straight up to his bedroom and dropped his backpack on the floor. After getting ready for bed, he turned out the lights and went to sleep. It wasn't long, however, before he heard something that woke him up. A creak here. A creak there. Groggily, he sat up and listened, thinking perhaps it was one of his parents. But then the creaking of the door stopped, and he heard what sounded like fast little footsteps. His next thought was perhaps it was one of his little sisters, but he soon realized neither of the twins would be up at this hour. A glance at his watch told him it was 3am, and nobody should be awake. Confused by the sounds, he got up and headed to the door. Peeking out, he saw nothing but a light on at the end of the hallway and thought perhaps someone had accidentally left it on.

Jake went to turn off the light, and as soon as he was headed back to his room he felt a chill run down his spine again. Swallowing, he turned around but saw nothing there. And when he turned back to go to his room, he swore he saw the faceless woman peeking out of his room, staring directly at him. He startled and turned the light back on, but there was nothing there. Shutting it off again, he walked quickly to his room until he was at the doorway, and again he heard footsteps, but this time...they were behind him. Swearing under his breath, he stood there with his hand on the doorknob and slowly turned around.

There, at the end of the hallway where he had just come, he saw her. A woman with long greasy black hair in a bloody white gown and a baby in her arms, both without a face. His face went white, and despite neither having a face he knew they were staring at him. He stood frozen on the spot for a moment before the woman took a jerky step forward, the baby reaching its arms out towards him. Panicked, Jake quickly bolted into his room and shut the door behind him and locked it. He leaned against it, panting and sweaty. What the fuck did he just see? Wasn't that the Halloween decoration he had seen in town? He stood there for a few minutes, but heard nothing. Feeling like it was all in his head, he got back into bed and went to sleep. What felt like hours was only a few minutes before a strange feeling came over him, jolting him awake. When he opened his eyes, there they were. Standing over him was the woman and the baby, their faces just inches from his. As soon as he opened his mouth to scream, nothing came out. And then, his vision slowly started to fade into darkness. As his vision faded, a face started to appear on the woman. It was his. He briefly stared at his own face before everything went dark and silent. He could not scream. He could not see. His hands flew up to his face, only...he no longer had one. The only thing he could hear was the laughter of the woman and the baby.


Please vote for your favorite costume in the poll above. <b>Only one vote per PLAYER, please! Poll will close on October 31, 11:59pm Ardent time!</b>

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