
Dancing in the Dark




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-29-2019, 09:29 PM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2019, 09:32 PM by Avalon.)

She walked alongside the old man, gently guiding him as she led the way to one of her favorite old haunts. Despite the hurt she felt when she was a child, staying in this place was also one of the few places that held the few memories she had of her family before they vanished into the world. She wanted to share it with him, even if he couldn't see it. She glanced at her elder friend, a small smile lifting the corner of her lips as they continued on. Tan flew overhead, keeping an eye on their surroundings despite not being a night flyer. She had grown accustomed to flying at night, preferring to stick close to her elder companion so that she was never without help. Avalon had never mentioned the cove to Feli, but tonight...they would sit under the stars and she would entrust him with her past. Or perhaps not. Perhaps she just wanted to sit with him and enjoy the sounds of the water and feel the cool northern breeze in her fur. It was also one of the few places where there was less ash, and they didn't have to worry about anything other than staying warm.

Before too long, she could hear the sound of the water lapping at the shore and the cold sand under her feet as it shifted with each step. "Careful, Feli." She murmured, more for herself than for him. She had grown to care about him, and didn't want to see him get hurt. Her own legs didn't work so well anymore, but she was much too stubborn to simply sit around and wait for age to force her to stay in one spot. If she kept moving, no matter how much it hurt sometimes, she'd always be free.

Leading them towards a spot with soft sand and shelter under a rocky outcrop, she stood there for a moment to breathe in. "This is one of my favorite places in the world. For me, it's where everything began and everything ended..." It was the last place where her family had been whole, and a bittersweet smile took over. She hoped, however, that tonight...the pair of them would have a deeper connection. Perhaps understand each other more than they already did. She was here, sharing a piece of her she rarely shared with anyone, if at all. And the knowledge of that turned her bittersweet smile into something more genuine. She was older now, wiser even. She felt that Feli had been honestly good for her, and that he was perhaps the piece she had been missing all along.
"Talk" "You" Think


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