
What A Waste!



7 Years
07-27-2013, 01:29 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

She continued to growl and stand her ground against the three-legged wolf who had deemed himself the bringer of offense and anger with his actions and words, still seething and stinging from the slights he had given her. Old woman. Pah! Not even close. But even her carefully chosen retort seemed to have little effect on him. That smug smile was ever present, resolute in its position and unrelenting even against her own barbs. Drat him. Couldn't he show the slightest bit of offense for her own words so that she could at least take comfort from that, from knowing that her would-be attacker still had his own soft spots to be picked at like the rest of them?

No suck luck. Rather than grow defensive or let his humorous facade crack, he made light of her insult, and even furthered his own by calling her a hag. Her anger bubbled up within her again, her lips beginning to curl back from her teeth as her anger became even more noticeable, the rumbling growl in the back of her throat punctuating itself loudly as her legs tensed themselves, for all appearances looking ready to leap though she knew better than to. She couldn't risk injury over this. Not even a single scar would have been acceptable, as much as she wanted to put him in his place.

Help came out of nowhere, or so she presumed it was help. Very briefly her growling, irritated attention shifted toward the grey and white male, assuming at first that he might have been an accomplice to the first, but she couldn't have been more wrong. The wolf was not a familiar one to her, nor did his scent hold even the slightest familiarity, but it was obvious from his speech that he was meant to be a rescuer. It was also obvious that his manners were somewhat skewed. She could tell that he meant to be a defender of her honor, but she was hardly impressed with his way of going about it. Words were obviously not the way to get to the self-important irritation who walked on three legs. He needed a good knocking over, a reminder that he was in no position to criticize anyone else so long as he lived.

She did not let her guard down even as this other attempted to stand in for her against Tyberius. Her hackles continued to stand up though her growl did subside, listening with a look of disdain upon her face as the defending grey male finished his long winded attempt at getting the other to back off. As expected, it did next to nothing except deter the three-legged wolf's attention from her briefly. Again he acted as if the insults directed toward him had made no impact, brushing them off so casually that Tahlia had to wonder if there was any sense of pride to him at all. Could he possibly be just a sniveling excuse for a life who's sole purpose was to cause distress and upset in others? "The same could be arranged for you shortly if you wish to keep this up," she growled, another threat that she hoped he might take into consideration. Of course, she still didn't particularly want to jump in and do the dirty work herself, but with another here to possibly be her muscle why not make use of him if only in words?

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier