



07-27-2013, 01:44 AM

Her mind was engulfed by her thoughts. The blood of her latest kill was still stained upon her ebony lips. Her teeth were pink from the crimson liquid. It was the fluids of a fawn. She enjoyed the kill but it was not something she desired to brag about. Though, tufts of the fur and blood was still littered across her body from rolling in the flesh of her prey. She indeed had fun with the kill. Her eyes were full of excitement, though what was there to be excited about? She licked her muzzle to savoir the taste. Her tummy was still bloated from the meal. She was fat, dumb, and happy. Happy? More like pleasure. This woman would never be happy.

She wiggled through the entrance of the cavern with a thick smirk. Jagged teeth flashed. Her eyed widened as she was engulfed by thick darkness. The stone floor was cool upon her rough pads. She looked around with extreme curiousness but she was not one to jump for joy. Her tail flicked about idly. Each paw step was a trail. Little blotches of fawn blood were left behind. She moved to the side of the cave and rubbed up against it. The coolness of the walls felt good against her thick pelt. She rubbed against the wall rapidly to cease an itch upon her shoulder. A groan of pleasure was let forth before the vixen plopped to the ground. She snapped her jaws shut as she laid in rest. Her tail swayed behind her and her eyes shut in contempt.


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