
Some say the world will end in fire


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-30-2019, 02:42 PM

She struggled to breathe, and an idle part of her brain noted that there must be a great deal of dust and fine particles in the air around her, her breaths where deep and long, and still her lungs felt starved. Each breath brought a rattling pain to her chest, and she wondered if she had broken her ribs. She should pause and do inventory, but she was afraid of what she would find.

Ody’s voice called out to her, sounding almost calm despite the cough that followed. Where was he? She used his voice to orientate herself, and began to drag her body forward and through the fallen debris. She bit back a cry as pain assaulted her, taking shallow breaths for a moment to dull the pain. Her head spun with dizziness and another part of her head was chanting a terrible mantra can't breathe, can't breathe, can't breathe. She ignored it, groaning as she pulled herself closer.

She finally touched a warm body, and what felt like half a cliff, Ody was buried. She started to dig, pain assaulting her with every movement, breath coming short. Her vision dimmed and she had to pause, struggling to breathe, why was it so hard? She coughed, and it felt oddly damp. When she licked her lips, she tasted blood. Realisation made her cold, and she pushed it down. She to free Ody, no matter the cost. “I can’t see anything, it's too dark” she admitted. It was evening, how much time had passed? Perhaps they only could not see because night had come.

She continued to dig. “I’m getting you out old friend” she told him, the effort of speaking causing her to hack. She had to pause, forced herself to breathe, to take in those sweet wisps of breathe, not knowing which one would be her last. She heard the light clammer of movement above then, and turned her head, the faint flash of white in the darkness catching her eye. If her Raven had been any other tone, she never would have seen him. The bird rarely spoke, finding the form of wolf-words on her beak unpleasant, and finding little reason for them. This time however, Winter would talk, the clack of her voice brisk and weary. “Little wolves, live, live. Help will come” The raven said, already climbing back through the tiny gap in the roof above them. “Winter, no, wait!” Shaye cried, gasping at the pain of speaking loudly, forgetting how to breathe. She sucked in air, desperate for it to reach her lungs. “Winter, please, I don’t want to die with regrets” but Winter was already gone. Shaye felt the tears on her lips, as wet as the blood. She had so much to tell those she loved, and she knew they wouldn’t get here in time.

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