
Take Me As Your Own


07-27-2013, 02:21 AM

She had allowed her mind to wander, and because of her mistake her senses made a terrible mistake. She did not have the slightest clue that a ghost was making its way toward her. Even at a slow pace she did not pick up the sound of claws against ice, nor did she scent his musk even though it was just out of reach. It wasn't until it paw landed right next to her that she became aware of his presence. He loomed over her, his beady crimson eyes staring her down. She had never seen a wolf like him before. His body held no color, he was the purest shade of white she had ever seen; except for his rosey nose and fiery eyes. His looks intrigued and frightened her at the same time. It was such an odd feeling, but she liked it.

She couldn't help the involuntary movements her body did for her. Her ears pinned against her head, her tail tucked close, and her lips rose ever so slightly to reveal only the tips of her two front canines. It wasn't a frightened look, but merely a warning. She had no fear of other wolves, her mother had always taught her that fearing someone only gave them power. Instead she met challenges head on, even in her emotional state. "Pain is for the weak minded." She hastily replied, leaving only a few second gap between his sentence and hers. She had the impulse to get up, but she was far too interested in what this male was going to say and do.
