
The Problem With Birds



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
10-31-2019, 07:04 AM
At his posed query, the laughter faded, as did the grin, but the subtle smirk remained. "Working for oneself is fine and all, but it has its downsides." A light shrug was given. Iolaire was always her own boss. Even when she was in the service of another, she ruled herself. The little woman didn't simper. She didn't cower. She wasn't a, 'Yes sir, yes ma'am,' kind of beast. What one could expect was a modicum of loyalty, complete honesty; sometimes brutally so, and full access to her skills and talents. As as added bonus, one would receive the constant joy of her stellar personality.

An interesting path, he says? Another soft chuckle rumbled in the fae's chest. "A boring life isn't a life worth living and so I make it a point to keep things interesting." Again, the grin. "Why, are you offering me a position in your fold?" He wouldn't be the first. Would he be the last? The difference between him and her former employer was that she thought she actually liked him. There was no sexual attraction or anything of that sort, but, if she allowed it, their personalities could very well make them friends. Friends were honest with one another.

Iolaire was a shrewd business woman, and so she would offer a contract. "You'll have full access to my talents, my cutting wit and my neverending charm. All I require is space for a garden to cultivate my herbs and protection against things that might wish to eat me." She bristled a bit, shoulders wiggling. "While my fealty may be yours, I must admit that I'm not much for titles or things along those lines. You'll have my respect, but it's up to you to keep it, if that makes sense." Honesty was the best policy. "And what would you require of me in turn?"
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.