
Take Me As Your Own


07-27-2013, 02:58 AM

To her surprise the man did not retreat, and if it wasn't for the coiling of his neck he wouldn't have moved at all. Well, not exactly a surprise, but she figured if he wanted something, he would have taken it already. Unless he enjoyed playing with his prey? Except she was no prey. She was a princess when it came down to it, because someday soon she would take over one of the most powerful ranks in Valhalla. All would respect her just as they had her mother, except she would be much more involved than she was. Sure, her mother did her duties here and there, but with the weight her family put on her she had begun to put her pack duties aside. Well, at least to Liberty she had. Little did the yearling know that what her mother did was very beneficial to the pack. She had trained Valhalla's next female beta who could possible rule the pack just as her mother had if all else failed. But, with her young age came ignorance, so she believed the thoughts in her head for now.

Pools of vibrant blue followed the mans every movement, his every breath. She listened to him speak, but most of his words went into one ear and out the other. She used to love playing games, but since her mothers death her patience had run thin. She watched his toungue swipe hungrily over his lips, and hers curled tighter above her fangs. She wanted to get out from under him now, because she was starting to realize how vulnerable she truly was out here. "Why does it matter to you? Does the ghost have no fear of reality either?" The corners of her lips curled into a devilish smile. "If you could grasp reality, you would see I am not alone. I'm here with you-unless you are a figment of my imagination." She was starting to enjoy this game, because now she was starting to lose the conception of what was real and what wasn't. Who knows? Maybe she was playing a game with the ghosts in her mind.
