
to the ends of the earth, you would follow me




8 Years
Extra large
10-31-2019, 03:10 PM

Time was a funny thing, especially in a place like this. Shai untangled his long limbs from Motif's body, careful not to disturb her as he rose and emerged from the den. Some days the Adayemi looked as though he were some ancient old man, then other days like today he looked as he did in his prime of life. His fur was sleek and clean, his piercings and adornments in perfect position. Shai's bright blue feather seemed to shimmer in the early morning light.

He sighed heavily and shook the sleep from him. None of the wolves here knew what happened behind the curtain, but when another joined them there were feasts and merriment all around. Vail's time had come, and though she was young when she crossed over sorrow did not greet her, instead the love and adoration of generations before overwhelmed her. Shai had embraced his daughter and soaked in the news she had brought with her.

He hoped the next to join might not be for a long time, but as the sun rose the feeling on the air was different. There would be another feast on this day. His family gathered around him, his sons who never knew life below, his daughter Vail who's life hadn't been as long as he wished. And Motif, his beloved wife who had passed into the void alongside him. Shai smiled, as they all did, generations upon generations of wolves behind them, waited in quiet anticipation.

At first the place looked like the forest of his last home with Motif, but depending on the wolf it might seem more like old Abaven, Threar, Sawtooth, and as far back as the forests of Ahlon. Within the blink of an eye Shai was returned to Boreas, to a time placed far back in his mind. Where he grew up, and where he had raised his eldest daughter...

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