
when pigs fly




3 Years
Extra large

LegendaryThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverScarred
Ice Bridge ExplorerWealthyHomebodyDouble MasterExplorerVolcano
1KTreat 2019
10-31-2019, 07:49 PM
Maybe Chaos would have been a better wolf to notify being the alpha and all, but in that moment Tyrian was scared and his thoughts went to the one wolf who wasn't afraid of anything. He was of the age where his dad was still invincible so it made sense that now, when faced with an ominous scene, his thoughts jumped immediately to Valentine.

"Uhhhm..." Tyrian squinted at the quickly approaching figure. Its movements were strange. Had he been a little more world weary Tyrian would have likened the uncoordinated movements to those of a drunk. He watched as the harried, smoke hidden figure stumbled and caught itself, and then suddenly bolted towards them as though chased by a monster. The boy had just enough time to widen his eyes and sidestep before the creature - a coyote! - slammed into his hip and was shunted off to the side. Had he been just a beat or two faster the coyote would have missed him altogether. "Hey!" he snapped.

Tears ran from the smaller canines eyes and though it didn't click with Tyrian, anyone with a little smoke experience would have been able to tell the coyote was struggling to see. Caught off guard by the sudden appearance of another animal, and thinking it must be under attack, the coyote lashed out. Its spun around and went after Tyrian. Initially the boy was startled enough to simply want to get away. Tyrian reeled away from the coyote - more from instinct than anything else - and then when his brain caught up with what was happening, fury took over.

Tyrian leapt at the coyote and the two briefly disappeared in a cloud of dirt and smoke. Every once in a while the coyote would squeal as Tyrian got a good blow in, but for the most part the only sounds that could be heard from the boy were expletives and snarls. Only once when the coyote managed to sink its teeth into his haunch did he trade the expletives from a startled yelp.

Somehow they ended up on the ground which worked in Tyrian's favor. He was bigger and heavier and clawed. He was more suited to grappling on the ground than the coyote. Using his forelegs like a cage, Tyiran pinned the coyote to his chest and set about bunny kicking it in the rump and belly. His claws were out and he could feel his toes moisten as blood soaked through his fur. The coyote wasn't a helpless victim during all of this. Though there wasn't much it could do it still did what it could. And what it could do was repeatedly bite his neck, chest and the inside of his forelegs. It put everything it had into the assault and soon both he and coyote were stained from throat to ribs with his blood. They rolled around in the welter of their gore; fixated on savaging one seemingly without regard for what was happening around them.

Though it felt like an eternity the scrap was over in a matter of seconds. Tyrian kicked the coyote away as the smoke around them began to grow thicker and then turned to Sparrow with a panicked expression - though he had been focused on the task at hand he wasn't been completely oblivious to what was happening around them. The smoke was too ominous to ignore. "We gotta go - run!"

OOC: Iko has permission to PP Tyrian!
WC for the thread is 1609
Tyrian has a saber-toothed snow leopard companion named Zahir, a black-footed gray langur named Tashi and a striped skunk companion he insists on calling Righty even though her name is Daisy. Assume all are nearby if not mentioned.