
Do you know where the wild things go?

Tiresias I


07-27-2013, 11:04 AM

[Image: n6vw2v.jpg]


She had seen Tyberius, alive and as well as he could possibly be under the circumstances. The crippled wolf had found a pack and now Tiresias could finally relax. He was sure that Tyberius could find plenty more ways to get in trouble, even with a pack, but now at least he would not starve. Maybe his new-found trade as a spy would cement his place within the pack. Amenti, due to their darker theme, might accept him a little more than another pack. "Not many, I'm sure," he replied, allowing the faintest grin to cross his muzzle.

Alena brought attention to his scars as she brought attention to her own, and he realized that there were scars all over her pelt. It was most obvious where the blood had matted the fur, revealing bits of scarred skin. She had been lucky enough to avoid any horrible scarring to her face, considering her duty. Tiresias found it ironic that he had such scars, for being such a coward. He assumed that bravery was something a wolf was born with; you either got it or you didn't, and he was unlucky enough to have missed it. "Tyberius and I were about eight months old, still living with our mother. She was out hunting. A bear came into our home and attacked us. Tyberius was first, losing his leg almost immediately. I was next as I tried to defend my brother, wounds cropping up on my chest and face. Mother came soon enough to help me but I couldn't see anymore. Tyberius passed out from shock, and the bear killed my mother, pulling her body away." He shivered involuntarily, his tail curling close to his body. No one yet had asked him his story and he was doing much better than he'd originally thought he would.

"That was a long day," he said, finishing his story lamely. Tiresias never asked for praise from his brother for saving his life. It was just something he did for others, something as ingrained in him as that streak of cowardice.

TAG: alena! . WORDS: 345 . NOTES: none.