
A Whisper by the Dark Moon



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-01-2019, 04:29 PM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2019, 10:19 AM by Iolaire.)

There was a strange look on the large woman's face, but Iolaire would neither question it or react to it. Sometimes women wished to keep things secret and she wouldn't be the one to call her out on it. There was no reason to and it wouldn't win her any friends. She was determined to enjoy her time with the Ashen Empire. Determined to eke out a place within it. A place of her own. A permanent place.

Iolaire was slightly amused at the low bow that Sirius gave. She didn't know his backstory yet and so she found it interesting that one so strong would show such reverence to another. She obviously came from a different world altogether. She understood a little better when full introductions were made. This was the one that he fought for, it seemed. Deathbelle, he named her. The woman offered a greeting and Iolaire accepted it with a nod and one of her own. Unlike Sirius, she offered no bow. She didn't know the woman yet. She doubted that Sirius would follow someone unworthy, but just the same... each new wolf that she met would have to prove themselves to her in some way. The Empress was no different. That wasn't to say that she wasn't kind and friendly, however.

"Good to meet you. I am Iolaire Akeldama. The newest member or conquest, depending upon who you ask." With a soft chuckle, she gave a slight tug of her skull in Sirius' direction. When asked about her skills, Io continued with her confident, mood lightening manner. "Other than stellar conversation and companionship? In my former land, I was a healer by day and a crafter of poisons by night. In this land, however, I'll be forced to learn all of your herbs and greenery over again." Again she gave a light shrug. "Since I've a natural knack for plants, it shouldn't take too long." Already she had discovered several strains of beneficial herbs on these plains.


Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.