

The Judge


07-27-2013, 10:03 PM

TYBERIUS vs ALESSA for Practise

Round 1

4/ 10 for clarity- you tell us where he is aiming for, which is great, but I feel more effort could have been put into his take on the situation. Where is he standing in relation to Alessa when he lunges? Eg. Is he facing her head-on, or at a slight left or right angle? Also, quote: ?He then lunged forward awkwardly, most of his weight on his front legs? When a wolf lunges, they will be pushing off their hinds. It is plausible for your character to then land and lean to his front legs, though you do not elaborate on this, hence the loss of points here. Also, you fail to suggest what injuries Tyberius hopes to inflict with his attack, ?to maim? is not really enough to give us a decent idea of his intentions. What was he aiming for? The Suspensory Ligament? To crush bone? Tear an artery?

10 / 10 for powerplaying. post contained no powerplaying.

4/ 10 for defenses. ears flattening to skull, head tucked to protect neck, eyes slitted ? I would have liked to see more here, though your defences are realistic.

5/ 10 for attack. One attack to the right foreleg via jaws. Goals not mentioned.

10 / 10 for injuries.First round

Round one TYBERIUS Total: 33/50


8 / 10 for clarity- Fairly clear, though I feel based on your defences that Tyberius? attack could have landed in some way or another. Alessa lowers herself to a crouch, but she does not actually move out of the way. Yes, she lunges forwards, but she?s lunging towards open jaws- be careful with your realism.

10 / 10 for powerplaying. No power playing.

7 / 10 for defenses. crouch, muscles tensing beneath her coat, haunches taut, ivory dipped plume flagged out and limbs set for balance, talons kneading into the soil for better traction as she tucked her chin against her chest, audits flattening against her skull as her eyes narrowed to slits.

5 / 10 for attack. One attack to Tyberius? chest, aiming to knock him down.

10 / 10 for injuries.First round

Round one ADETTE Total: 40/50

Round 2

9/ 10 for clarity- Good job with clarity this time! I deducted one point purely for the attack, where his paws were held out for support. I feel as though this would have interfered with his bite to the neck, as the legs would be holding him slightly away from her should he succeed.

10 / 10 for powerplaying. post contained no powerplaying.

4/ 10 for defenses. ears still flat against skull, eyes slitted, tail held high. You didn?t mention it in your summary, but I added an extra point for the side-ways hopping to regain his balance.

5 / 10 for attack. One attack to the scruff with his jaws, paws held outwards for support.

8 / 10 for injuries.Bruising to the chest.

Round two TYBERIUS Total: 36/50


6 / 10 for clarity- Your post is clear, but I feel your double full dodge is unrealistic. Once again, Tyberius? attack to the scruff was likely to hit, as there were not any defences mentioned previously that would have countered it. Had you of not full dodged before I would have let it slide, but two full misses in a row when both attacks were plausible is pushing it a bit far. She would have struggled to gain enough momentum to get out of the way so quickly.

10/ 10 for powerplaying. No Powerplay

8 / 10 for defenses. Eyes narrowed, chin tucked, haunches tense, plume aligned with her spine, audits flattened, talons dug into the soil for traction

7/ 10 for attack. Upwards rear on the hinds as she attempts to wrap forelegs around Tyberius? neck, attempting to throw him backwards whilst also snapping at flesh.

10 / 10 for injuries.No injuries, however I feel there should have been!

Round two ALESSA Total: 41/50

Round 3

10/ 10 for clarity- Clear post.

10 / 10 for powerplaying. post contained no powerplaying.

4 / 10 for defenses. Leaning back to avoid her teeth. Again, you failed to list this, but I added extra points for ears against scalp in your post.

3 / 10 for attack. One attack with a single paw, attempting to swipe Alessa or push her away. Wolves do not have much strength in their forelimbs, nor are their nails able to tear skin.

6 / 10 for injuries.Bruising to the chest, bite wound to face.

Round three TYBERIUS Total: 33/50


9 / 10 for clarity- clear

7/ 10 for defenses. Haunches taut, talons dug into the soil, plume aloft for balance, audits pinned and eyes slit, pulling away from his swiping paw

2/ 10 for attack. Swipe to the neck or face with right forepaw. A weak attack unlikely to do damage, wolf nails do not cut skin.

8 / 10 for injuries.Minor scratches down the snout.

Round three ALESSA Total: 34/50

And the winner is...

ALESSA! Tyberius must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


TYBERIUS- No serious injuries, though the wounds to the face may scar or be prone to infection.

ALESSA- No serious injuries.


Good job guys! Owlie, your clarity was poor in your first post, however your other posts you recovered quite well. Remember to keep an eye on this, and to learn to incorporate more defences as I feel that is what let you down. However, I appreciate your realism within your posts, and for staying true to Tyberius? character. Wolfeyez, you did very well, try to limit wolf-speak in your post summaries as judges may misunderstand your defences and attacks. Also, keep your realism in mind- I feel as if your full dodges were unlikely. Congratulations!

- By [Yumpy]