
Part the Waters



07-27-2013, 12:54 PM

One moment she was playing in a puddle then the next she was being swept up by the water. The little girl was scared, but he was trying to be brave. Little legs kicked hard, trying to keep her head above the surface. The rain had stopped by now but the water was like a river, twisting and turning against small hills of her home, sweeping her further away from her family.

Eyes were water, a single tear running down her cheek before she was suddenly yanked down. Paws thrashed around, eyes closed, ears back. She twisted and turned, trying to move, trying to find the surface but she couldn't.

After what seemed like hours the water released its grip on her small dark body, letting her thrash wildly, breakig through the surface gasping for air. "Daddy!" She whined, coughing up water that splashed into her mouth. She shook her head, getting it out of her eyes, looking for something she could grab and hold onto.

There! A stick was poking out of the water, no, a branch of a tree that must have been dragged down here by the rushing water. Kicking as hard as she could the little pup made her way over, trying to use the current to help her so she didn't use up all her strength. Grab it, now! Resnera lunged forward, jaws snapping shut, grabbing a smaller branch coming of the main one and pulled herself forward. Paws smacked the water, legs kicking to push her forward until finally she could wrap her little paws around it and hold her head just barely above the surface. Every couple seconds the water would rise, leaving only her little snout visible.
