
Part the Waters


07-27-2013, 02:08 PM
The brute lay curled around two of the three of his children. White lined ears were perked up as his eyes were fixated on the area around him. Hoping his daughter was safe with her mother Thane could only hope. Looking back down for a moment to his sons he licked the top of both of their heads gently. This was scary, admittedly scary! It scared him because he didn't know where the rest of his family was and if they were alright. It scared him because his children almost drowned. It scared him because his pack members might be drowning or still need help. Sighing, Thane still remained alert, just in case.

Aqua blue eyes wodened as a familiar voice reached his ear screaming "Daddy". It was Resnera! Quickly standing up the male was ready to take off and go find her. Then looking back down at his two children the father debated whether to take them with him or leave them here. But if he took them with him they would be in even more danger as well. With a grunt Thane turned towards the water and saw that it wasn't rising anymore, they will be safe. With a nuzzle to both of his children the brute was off.

"Stay here!" he said to them in a stern voice before leaving.

He ran upriver frantically searching for his daughter, his little princess with the stars in her fur. Aqua blue eyes ran up and down the surface of the water as he searched for his daughter. With Thane's heart pounding in his chest he soon spotted her. She seemed to be holding onto a branch as her head slowly went under. The brute quickly hurried to jump into the muddy and murky water as he watched her muzzle only be shown above the surface of the water.

"Resnera!!!" He screamed or garbled as water filled his mouth. The male kicked at the water as he also cleared his mouth of it. White lines ears pinned against his head as Thane neared the pup. Exhaustion started to set in; swimming against the current across isn't that easy. With a final grit he reached the branch and opened his maw to be ready to grab Resnera's scruff. Water poured into his mouth but the brute still kept his jaws open. Leaning forward Thane gently picked up his daughter by her scruff. Looking down occasionally to make sure her head was still above water the wolf made his way to land. Geez, she had put on a few pounds lately. She want heavy but just growing up. Of course Thane remembered carrying her by the scruff when she was only a little thing.

[b]"It's going to be alright, Daddy's gotcha."
he said through his teeth.

Thane was tired, but he still kept on moving. He wanted l get Resnera to land and return to his other children with her. Soon enough his paws reached land and Thane didn't even put her down. He started to run. The brute ran towards his sons and hurried toget to them. Thane didn't like leavings them alone in this situation. But he hasn't gone far; reaching them did he lay his daughter down besides Ryker and lick her clean.

"Are you alright?" he asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

Aqua blue eyes averted to the boys as he looked them over as well. A sigh escaped the male's maw as he resumed his position encircled around his children. Now he knew where his children were. But he still didn't know where his mate was. Keeping an eye on Resnera waiting for her to respond he wanted to make sure she was alright. With a sigh ThNe rose his muzzle to the air and howled. He called for Ookami and didn't know if she would come or not. Hopefully she would but if she didn't he would eventually find her right? Worry plagued the brute, yet he curled tighter around their children and wished for things to be alright.