
Beauty Before Violence



2 Years
11-03-2019, 09:16 AM (This post was last modified: 11-03-2019, 09:26 AM by Koloskivi.)
The few inches that covered the ground engulfed Koloskivi's feet, though it only reached his ankles, it was still enough to make his huff from exhaustion. The winds down at sea level compared to the winds he was experiencing now was like a graceful hand against his cheek. These, these winds were like thorns against his face. The smell of soot burned Koloskivi's nose. What an odd smell, he thought. Why would soot be up here? He didnt have time to gawk at the night sky now, no matter how beautiful it was to see the skies splattered with colours like a 5 year olds' canvas. Koloskivi shook himself off and began to follow the sent of soot, the only thing that he could think of that brought soot was the volcano. It's smoke had reached the mountains and choked the sky.
      He couldn't think about that now; didnt want to think of that now. The beast blinked and to much of his surprise, brown against white caught his attention. Nothing about this brown was tree like, most trees around here were masked in their own hibernation; hardly recognizable and invisible to the untrained eye. Nothing about this brown was elk like, though he wished it was. A thought clawed at his skull for a couple moments... there's nothing wrong with cannibalism.. Koloskivi shook his head to rid it of this thought, never again did he want to think of that. The beast plodded over to the creature, only looking into the lake to see once again his flawed reflection. For the first time today, he looked to the sky as he sat be the brown animal. Flashes of blue, greens, purples, even hints of yellow leaped a crossed the sky. "Its beautiful isnt it," he murdered. "Some say when the sky is painted, its the All Mother playing with the Koy Fish."

[OOC: im sorry, was this meant for somebody else?]