


11-03-2019, 04:12 PM
Lily trailed after her mother with a dutiful air about her, the broken-hearted pup barely raised her turquoise rimmed eyes to see who else was in attendance. A bitter look was etched on her young face, and she considered briefly just running away from it all. Though, she had borne direct witness to the result of that particular plan, thanks to her mother. Dea was only trying to get them away from pain, Lily wasn't quite understanding why they couldn't just leave if their mother wished them to. Lily tried to keep her mind off such things, more than most.

Anger was a huge part of her life right now, often resulting in aggression toward her mother and siblings, though she didn't mean to. Her true anger was directed toward the God Abraxas and the one who fought her father, the emotion going so far as to drive her away from religion altogether. She was angered by the thick tendrils of smoke that came from the volcano that had swallowed her father, and if she could, she would have fought the very beast itself. A very perturbed Lily came to sit between her mother's forelegs and look over at Gadreel. It was good to see him out, but there was unreasonable anger that she had for him looking like their father. Part of her adored him and would always adore him, but he was a close reminder of what she lost. It didn't stop her from looking at him so she could also see her father, even if her motives were selfish and he might not like her gazing at him.