
Truth is I'm just worried about you




7 Years
Extra large
11-04-2019, 01:17 PM

He chuckled as his daughter drank up his affection. Her response was hesitant for a moment but he understood what she meant, his eyes had often been turned towards the sky as of late. He followed her gaze and settled onto his haunches so he could meet her easier. The next question she asked broke him a little and the man nosed at her again, feeling like all he wanted to do was wrap her up totally so she'd never had to worry about anything again, but then she'd never be equipped to deal with the real world... and wasn't it his job to make sure his children could survive?

"It is." He assured her softly. "We might not be able to see it yet but things are getting better." He had to believe that himself, he hadn't been there but he knew of at least one other time before that the volcano had erupted, and yet the lands they lived on still thrived, the wolves of this land had never disappeared. Nature would take care of her own. "I don't know yet." He admitted to her second question. He had started making forays into the mainland to check up on the pack lands, and while it seemed they were slowly getting better it would be some time still. "How about this? Let me check in a few days and if I think it's safe enough you can come with me the next time I go to look at the packlands. Deal?" He didn't want to get her hopes up but neither did he want his children to feel hopeless or trapped here.

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

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