



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-04-2019, 02:24 PM
The wolves of Ashen appeared before her as asked, a few pups, Sirius and Zee of course, Hela and Hari were quick as well. Dea ushered her children in and Belle didn’t miss the decisively chosen places the wolves of her pack decided upon. She didn’t miss Pandora’s form, and seeing her seemed to cement the loss of Hannibal in her mind. If she reappeared without her brother.. Deathbelle couldn’t help but think the worst. The gathering place was eerily quiet, no wolf made a sound as they lined up before her. A sign of the somber grip upon Ashen since the eruption. Another sign of terror to come? Or maybe calm would finally settle over the Klein family. When it seemed everyone who was going to show up appeared Deathbelle stood up to address the gathering.

”You have my thanks for appearing here today.” Everyone who offered their gaze would be looked in the eye by the Empress. ”Much has changed since the eruption. Much has been lost.” A recurring event in the Klein family. It seemed an awful cycle. They reached a new high, only to be brought to a new low. ”There is much to be gained as well.” She looked down to Sirius, her features neutral but proud. ”The Empire will expand, I introduce you to Sirius, the Warlord of Ashen’s Armada.” She wasn’t sure how the remaining members of her family might feel about the promotion.

”When we are able to, we will make the move Eastward. Where we will have no neighbors, and our ability to expand will increase. The Ashen Empire will be more centrally located, and we can more heavily establish the Klein name in Boreas.” They would be supreme again. With their combined power no one would rival their strength. ”To attain these goals We must refill the highest ranks of the Empire. First,” She looked to Harbringr now. ”My dearest brother,” for he truly was. The only one to stay by her side through everything. ”Will you take your place as Daimyo beside me?” She asked, certain of his answer already.

He was the only one she was certain of however and now her lilac gaze returned to the other wolves around her. ”Who else would seek their place in greatness?” She asked softly, curious if her kin wished to take on the responsibilities the higher tiers of the Empire demanded. ”Or would offer their grievances to me?” Deathbelle was no tyrant, she wished for the whole of the pack to prosper and advance.

OOC: No post order/ no mandatory reply needed unless your wolf would like to pursue a higher rank! Or if they have anything to say about the changes going on<3

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.