
Tiptoe higher


07-27-2013, 03:38 PM


Euph paddled along at a steady pace, never letting Talon leave her sight. She slacked her speed just for a bit to let him get in front of her so she could keep an eye on him, making sure he went no farther behind her head than her shoulder. She felt responsible for his welfare, even though she had only just met the young brute a few hours ago. She was the only adult around so she figured it was her duty to see that he made it home safely. Besides the fact that felt responsible for him, she just liked the small wolf. He had earned a place in her heart and she wanted to see to it that he was safe.

They floated along in the expanse of sea water, slowly but surely making their way back to the shore. Her legs bushed her body forward, her tail streaming out behind her, and her ears back against her head. She craned her neck to keep her head above the waves. It was slow going, but they were making progress. She glanced over at him, her emerald gaze finding him with some relief. Every time she looked away from him to look toward the shore she had a probably irrational fear that she would look back and he would be done below the surface. As they reached the halfway point, she started to feel the fatigue of swimming the long distance in her legs. It hit her harder than last time since she had already made the trip once and walked all over the island. Luckily, she was able to power through it fairly easily since they were moving at a pretty steady pace. She glanced over to Talon again and called to him, "If you get too tired, tell me. Don't let yourself get worn out."
