


07-27-2013, 03:45 PM

His mind was running wild. He had just shared an intimate moment with Secret, and the most intriguing part was, Secret had been the one to initiate it. He had fallen under her spell, just like he always did when she came around. Newt hadn't even crossed his mind, which was pretty disappointing since he thought he was in love with her. No, he knew he was in love with her, but it hadn't been enough to stop his temptations. Especially when it came to Secret. When they had finished she had went their separate ways. He assumed she was going back to Tortuga, and he was on his way back to Amenti. It was a pretty far distance, but he didn't mind. It gave him more time to think about what had just happened.

Just as his mind started to sink into deep thought, he was ripped back into reality. A distressed howl rang out across the eastern lands. Luckily he was still in the east, or he wouldn't have heard the call that was only for him. It was Secret. Powerful legs acted involuntarily as he sprinted as fast as he possibly could to her. He wasted no time, and when he started getting closer to where she was the sickening scent of Tortuga flooded his nostrils. "great, she needs my help in Tortuga. this will end well..." The fact that she was in the territory didn't matter to him. All that mattered was him getting to her. The minutes seemed like hours, but finally, he had reached her. As her fragile figure came into view he put the breaks on his run, slowing himself down to a steady trot. She was laying on the ground, and in the darkness he couldn't see much of her. "Secret?" Was this a trap? No, it couldn't be. He smelt too much blood.

The scent was tantalizing his senses, because no matter how much he changed the blood lust within him would never go away. He had tasted her blood before, and it had tasted so sweet, but now the scent was nothing more than sour. He could hear her whines as he drew closer, and within a few more steps he was at her side, looming over her with his massive height. She was completely covered in blood, and her valuable crimson liquid was still seeping out of wounds and onto the forest floor. His ears flipped back, and his lips curled into a silent snarl. He was starting to grasp what had happened here. Someone had attacked her in her own fucking home.

For a moment he said nothing. His eyes trailed along her body, and for a moment he wanted to taste the blood that matted her fur. But he wouldn't. He would refrain from any sickening motion that was plaguing his mind. She was dying, it was obvious. What could he do? His gaze stopped at her side. He watched her ribs rise and fall slowly, and he could barley pick up the gurgling sound of her shallow breathing. There was nothing he could do. She was going to die. Whoever did this would pay, wither it be from his fangs, Kyler's revenge, or Tortuga's resentment. Somewhere down the line someone would have their throat ripped out for all to see. He was sure of it.

"Secret... What do I do." His strong voice was broken. This had been the first time he had ever felt an emotion like this. His heart felt heavy, his throat felt clogged, and his eyes felt as if they were swelling up. He wanted her to say something, but he wasn't sure if she could. If only he was a fucking healer. Without processing it his body lowered to the ground. He was facing her back, so when he laid against the earth he pushed himself against her as much as he could. With his massive size compared to her he could practically wrap himself around her; and he did. The man who had taken so many lives didn't want to watch this one be taken alone. No, he wouldn't let her die alone. Not now, not ever.

His head laid flat on the earth, but as close to hers as he could possibly get. He could feel her breath shortening, and he pulled himself around her tighter; if that was even possible. Her blood stained his pelt, but he didn't mind. If anything his pressure could help slow the bleeding, but he doubted anything would help her now. His toungue slithered out from between his lips and tenderly caressed the back of her ears and skull. Everything he was doing was involuntary, because every movement he made was not processed. He was acting of instinct, which was something he usually did, but not in this way.
